14.6 Interim Payments


No amount will be paid until the Employer has received and approved the Performance Security.Thereafter, the Employer shall within 28 days after receiving a Statement and supporting documents, give to the Contractor notice of any items in the Statement with which the Employer disagrees, with supporting particulars. Payments due shall not be withheld, except that:

在雇主收到并认可履约担保前,不办理付款。 其后, 雇主应在收到有关报表和证明文件后28天内,向承包商发出关于报表中雇主不同意的任何项目的通知,并附细节说明。除下列情况外,对应付款项不应予以扣发:

(a) if any thing supplied or work done by the Contractor is not in accordance with the Contract, the cost of rectification or replacement may be withheld until rectification or replacement has been completed; and/or


(b) if the  Contractor was or is failing to  performany  workor  obligation in  accordance with the Contract, and had been so notified by the Employer, the value of this work or obligation may

be withheld until the work or obligation has been performed.


The Employer may, by any payment, make any correction or modification that should properly be made to any amount previously considered due. Payment shall not be deemed to indicate the Employer's acceptance, approval, consent or satisfaction.
