

第一部分 沙化政策现状;

第二部分 沙化政策在工程合同中的应用;

第三部分 沙化政策给中资企业带来的问题及我们的建议。



沙特目前实行的沙化政策是一个名为“Nitaqat”的计划,即“沙化激励计划”。它的主要规定是:根据沙化率,将拥有 6 名以上员工的实体分为六个范围,即:红色、黄色、低绿色、中绿、高绿和白金。目的在于对规模和行业相似的公司进行评估,沙化排名前 5% 的相似公司置于白金范围内。另一方面,沙化排名后 5% 的公司置于红色范围。其余公司根据其沙化率分配在绿色和黄色范围之间。沙特劳工和社会发展部将帮助绿色和白金实体成长。相反,红色和黄色的实体不配合沙化政策、将不享有沙特劳工和社会发展部提供的发展便利,而且会丧失企业竞争力。因此,企业实体必须遵守沙化政策,脱离红色和黄色区域,才能像其他在白金和绿色区域的实体一样享有竞争力。

“Nitaqat”计划符合沙特 2030 年愿景和国家目标,旨在改善劳动力市场,减少对外籍雇员的依赖,为沙特籍国民提供适当的工作机会和安全、有吸引力的工作环境。


自 20 世纪 70 年代后期开始,随着石油经济的发展,沙特合格劳动力开始短缺,大量外来劳工随之涌入。大量涌入的外籍劳工与沙特人在社会、文化和宗教价值取向等方面形成冲突,给沙特造成了一系列的社会问题。

为了改变这种局面,适度控制外籍劳工在沙特的增长,自 1995 年开始,沙特政府开始实施劳工“沙特化”政策,即:在沙特经营的私营企业和外国企业,在雇佣外来劳工时,必须优先雇佣一定比例的沙特员工;同时鼓励在沙特的私营企业或外国企业为沙特公民提供更多的工作机会。

2011 年 6 月,“Nitaqat” 沙化政策出台(劳工部第 1 号部长级决议)。“Nitaqat”是一项系统的沙化组合政策,具有强制约束力。

2017 年 9 月,沙特劳动和社会发展部实施新版 “Nitaqat”沙化政策,对企业的沙特化要求更加严格。

2021 年 12 月,沙特劳动和社会发展部对新版“Nitaqat” 沙化政策做了某些修改。





• 雇员6-49人(小型)

• 雇员50-99人(中型)

• 雇员99-199人(中型)

• 雇员199-499人(中型)

• 雇员500-2999人(大型)

• 雇员3000-人以上(超大型)

注意:这里的企业是指单一实体(行业)的企业。雇员少于 6 人的企业,对沙化率不做要求,但至少有一名沙籍员工。


新版“Nitaqat”沙化政策将企业分为 85 个类别,但 2021 年 12 月,这些类别被浓缩为 33 个类别。类别如下:


(二)“Nitaqa” 使用颜色分区系统将公司分为合规区域和不合规区域


• 绿色区:落在绿色区域的公司都在安全范围内。根据沙化率,绿色区又分为三个级别,即:低绿、中绿和高绿。低绿、中绿和高绿的沙化率不同,享有不同的待遇,但都属于安全区域。

• 铂金区:在此范围内的实体的沙化率超过了要求的最低沙化率,享有更优惠的政策待遇。

• 黄色区:与达到沙化率要求的类似企业相比,没有达到沙化率的要求。

• 红色区:与达到沙化率要求的类似企业相比,达到的沙化率很低。

铂金区和绿色区属于合规区,黄色和红色区属于不合规区。2020 年 1 月 26 日,劳动和社会发展部( MLSD ) 取消了黄色区,评级为黄色区的公司现在将被视为红色区。


“Nitaqat” 使用颜色分区系统将公司分为合规区域(白金区和绿色区)和不合规区域(黄色和红色)。合规区(铂金区和绿色区)中的公司可以获得其他区中的公司所没有的某些好处。这些好处包括:能够通过快速在线流程获得和续签外国雇员的工作许可证,他们能够改变外国雇员的职业,并被允许在未经雇主批准的情况下从红区和黄区公司雇佣雇员。

黄色和红色区域的公司由于不合规而对其业务运营造成限制。黄色区域公司只允许为在沙特逗留少于两年的员工续签签证。属于黄色区域的公司也不得申请新的工作签证和签发新的工作许可证。红色区域的公司限制最多:在提高 “Nitaqat” 评级之前,他们无法雇佣新的外籍员工、续签工作许可证或在沙特开设新企业或分支机构。黄色和红色区域的公司也丧失了允许其员工在沙特更换雇主的权力。






当一个公司拥有多个不同行业的实体,该如何认定呢? 现举例说明:


• 安保员工:322名;

• 零售员工:7名;

• 合约:832名员工;

• 农业:3名员工。






员工信息获取后,计算过去 26 周内沙特雇员的平均人数和外籍雇员的平均人数。


沙化率 = (沙特籍雇员总平均数)÷(沙特籍雇员总平均数+ 外籍雇员总平均数)X 100

早期的沙化政策只是要求私营企业雇主雇佣一定比例的沙特员工,并没有对沙化率有过多的要求。但2017年,新版“Nitaqat”沙化政策有了新规定,即:认定沙化率时,还要考虑到沙特籍员工的工资、工作时间及女员工的数量等。沙特籍员工的平均月薪不能少于3000 SAR(2021年增加到4000 SAR),如果是1500 SAR,这名沙特籍员工就能按照半个沙特籍员工计算;如果少于1500  SAR,那么此沙特籍员工将不作为计算沙化率的人数。如果平均月薪在1500 SAR-3000 SAR之间,那么,此名沙特籍员工的沙化率因素按照下列公式计算:Approved Percentage=[(Monthly Salary - 1,500)÷3000]+0.5。








• 高级人力资源经理;

• 人事部部长;

• 劳工事务总监;

• 人事关系部部长;

• 人事专员;

• 人事文员;

• 招聘文员;

• 教务文员;

• 考勤文员;

• 总接待文员;

• 酒店前台文员;

• 病人接待员;

• 投诉文员;

• 出纳;

• 私人保安;

• 政府关系官;

• 报关行;

• 女性用品店的女员工。


巴勒斯坦人拥有埃及护照、土耳其斯坦 、俾路支省, 该员工是从该类别计算为外籍员工的四分之一,最多为外籍雇员总平均数的50%。




只要每月缴纳一笔费用,政府就允许公司继续符合沙化 ( “Nitaqat” ) 标准并维持其“Nitaqat”排名。





影响公司沙化水平的变化将在雇佣沙特国民时立即生效,而不是像以前那样在 26 周后生效。取消 26 周的缓冲意味着黄色或红色类别的公司可以快速合规。雇佣沙特国民和外籍人士离开对沙化的影响即刻生效。










1.1.CONTRACTOR shall comply with the Saudization requirements regarding employment and training of Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel as set forth in this Schedule “S” for the entire duration of the Contract.  CONTRACTOR shall cause its Subcontractors to comply with the Saudization requirements set out in this Schedule “S”.  For the avoidance of doubt, CONTRACTOR’s obligations under this Schedule “S” shall apply to all CONTRACTOR Personnel.  Further, CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to rely on the failure of any Subcontractor as an excuse for a non-performance of any obligation hereunder.(承包商应在整个合同期限内遵守本附表“S”中规定的有关沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员雇用和培训的沙化要求。承包商应促使其分包商遵守本附表“S”中规定的沙特化要求。为避免疑义,承包商在本附表“S”下的义务应适用于所有承包商人员。此外,承包商无权以任何分包商的不履行其沙化要求作为不履行本协议项下任何义务的借口)


1.2 Definitions of Groups

For purposes of recruitment, hiring, and training, Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel shall be categorized into the following groups(出于招聘、雇用和培训的目的,沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员应分为以下几类):

1.2.1 Group A shall be comprised of certified and/or degreed project management and administrative personnel including managers, field supervisors, and supervisors(A 组应由经过认证和/或获得学位的项目管理和行政人员组成,包括经理、现场主管和主管)

1.2.2 Group B shall be comprised of professionals including engineers, architects, specialists, and construction field personnel who are certified and/or degreed(B 组应由专业人员组成,包括工程师、建筑师、专家和获得认证和/或学位的建筑现场人员).

1.2.3 Group C shall be comprised of non-degreed certified technical or skilled labor including technicians, craftsman, headman, operators, drivers, and degreed or appropriately certified secretarial personnel including clerks, computer operators, and schedulers(C 组应由未获得学位的认证技术或熟练劳动力组成,包括技师、工匠、负责人、操作员、司机,以及获得学位或适当认证的秘书人员,包括文员、计算机操作员和调度员).

1.2.4 Group D shall be comprised of unskilled labor including gardeners, janitors, and laborers(D 组应由非熟练劳动力组成,包括园丁、看门人和劳工。如果不确定将特定沙特阿拉伯承包商人员分配到某个组,公司代表应最终决定将沙特阿拉伯承包商人员分配到哪个组).

In case of uncertainty as to the assignment of particular Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel to a group, the Company Representative shall make the final determination as to which group the Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel shall be assigned(如果不确定将特定沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员分配到某个组,公司代表应最终决定将沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员分配到哪个组).


1.3 Required Minimum Saudization Levels

1.3.1 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the actual level of Saudization for the groups set forth in this Paragraph 1 shall not be less than the minimum Saudization level required for each group in Attachment I for the duration of the Contract.  Only CONTRACTOR Personnel directly involved in the performance of the WORK under this Contract shall be considered for the purposes of determining the minimum Saudization level of each group(承包商应确保本第 1 段中规定的组实际沙化水平不应低于合同期限内附件 I 中每个组所需的最低沙化水平。为确定每组的最低沙化水平,仅应考虑直接参与本合同项下工程执行的承包商人员).

1.3.2 The minimum Saudization levels shall be computed including both man-hours of WORK performed and man-hours of training performed by Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel(最低沙化水平的计算应包括沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员执行的工作工时和培训工时)



2.1 In addition to the detailed reports required by Paragraph 5, the CONTRACTOR shall provide information on the actual and projected level of Saudization (man-hours worked and training hours completed by Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel and total man-hours worked by all CONTRACTOR Personnel)  broken down into groups set forth in Paragraph 1.  Such information shall be provided in a monthly basis as part of the CONTRACTOR’s regular status report or in a separate ad-hoc report as directed by the Company Representative(除了第 5 款要求的详细报告外,承包商还应按照第一段的规定分组提供有关沙化的实际和预计水平的信息(沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员完成的工时和培训时数以及所有承包商人员的总工时)。此类信息应按月提供,作为承包商定期状态报告的一部分,或按公司代表的指示提供单独的临时报告).

2.2 CONTRACTOR shall also provide the information required in Paragraph 2.1 in an electronic form. The format for the report and the electronic form shall be subject to acceptance by the Company Representative(承包商还应以电子形式提供第 2.1 条要求的信息。报告格式和电子表格须经公司代表同意)



3.1 In order to consider any CONTRACTOR Personnel as a Saudi Arab national for purposes of Saudization calculations, CONTRACTOR shall provide acceptable supporting documentation for such personnel which shall include:

Valid GOSI Certification.

Copy of valid Government Identification card issued exclusively to Saudi Arabian nationals.

The total number of Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel will be reduced by the number of claimed Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel for which CONTRACTOR fails to submit all documentation listed above.


a) 有效的 GOSI 认证。

b) 专门发给沙特阿拉伯籍员工的有效政府身份证复印件。


3.2 All calculations and any resulting deduction shall be applied separately to each group defined in Paragraph 1.  Under no circumstances shall exceeding the specified minimum percentage for one group be used as the basis for eliminating or reducing a deduction for another group(所有计算和任何由此产生的扣减应分别适用于第 1 段中定义的每个组。在任何情况下,一个组超过规定的最低沙化百分比不得用作消除或减少另一组沙化率的基础).

3.3 For each specified group, the actual level of  Saudization for a particular period shall be determined by dividing the total number of man-hours actually worked or in training by qualified Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel (who are either involved directly with performance of the WORK or identified by CONTRACTOR as undergoing training related to the WORK as set forth in the Saudization and Training Plan) by the total number of man-hours worked by all CONTRACTOR Personnel  directly involved with performance of the WORK(对于每个指定的组,一定时期的实际沙化水平计算应以合格的沙特籍承包商人员实际工作和培训的总工时数(直接参与工作或由承包商确定正在接受沙化&培训计划中规定的与工作相关的培训)除以直接参与工作执行的所有承包商人员工作的工时总数).

3.4 In the event the actual level of Saudization for a period is less than the specified minimum level, the number of additional man-hours needed to meet the minimum shall be the number of man-hours that must be added to the number of hours of total combined work and training received by Saudi Arab personnel to achieve the specified minimum percentage(s) set forth in Attachment I.

EXAMPLE:  If total required Saudization for group A is 30%, and in a given period 1000 total hours of WORK and training are performed by personnel of all nationalities in the group A category, then:

1)30% of 1000 man-hours, or 300 total Saudized group A man-hours are required for Saudi employees.

2)If the actual total Saudized group A man-hours (including actual group A training hours) performed in the period is 250 man-hours, and the per man-hour deduction for group A total hours is XX SR, then the Saudization group A WORK  deduction shall be 300-250, or 50 man-hours, multiplied by XX SR.


示例:如果 A 组所需的总沙特化率为 30%,并且在给定期间内,A 组类别中所有国籍的人员执行的工作和培训总时数为 1000 小时,则:

1) 1000工时的 30%,或A组沙特籍员工需要 300工时,才能满足30%的沙化要求。

2)若该时段A组执行的沙化实际总工时(含实际A组培训时数)为250工时,A组总工时每工时扣减XX SR,则A组工时扣除应为 300-250,或 50个工时乘以 XX SR)



4.1 When the actual level of Saudization is lower than the required minimum Saudization level for any group at any invoice period; the CONTRACTOR’s invoice for that period shall be reduced by an amount equal to the number of additional man-hours needed to meet the minimum Saudization level (calculated in accordance with Paragraph 3) multiplied by the corresponding deduction rate set forth in Attachment I.(当实际沙化水平低于任何一组在任何发票期所要求的最低沙化水平时;承包商在该期间的发票应减少的金额等于满足最低沙化水平所需的额外工时数(根据第 3 款计算)乘以附件 I 中规定的相应扣减率)

4.2 The Parties agree that these deduction amounts are not a penalty but reflect a premium for utilization of Saudi Arabian labor included in the Contract Price(双方同意,这些扣除金额不是罚款,而是反映合同价格中包含的使用沙特阿拉伯籍劳动力的溢价).



In the event of any disagreements as to whether the actual level of Saudization for a particular period has been achieved for any group, the Company Representative’s determination shall prevail(如果任何一组对是否已达到一定时期的实际沙化水平存在任何分歧,则以公司代表的决定为准).



5.1 CONTRACTOR shall provide the Company Representative with a daily roster listing all CONTRACTOR Personnel for each specified group , their work or training location, whether they are present for the day, and whether they are Saudi Arabs or not.  The rosters shall be provided to the Company Representative by noon of each regularly scheduled workday for the personnel working that day(承包商应向公司代表提供一份每日花名册,列出每个指定组的所有承包商人员、他们的工作或培训地点、他们当天是否在场以及他们是否是沙特阿拉伯人。应在每个正常安排的工作日中午之前提供当天工作的人员名册给公司代表).

5.2 In order to determine the number of man-hours for Saudi Arab and non-Saudi Arab personnel, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare daily timesheets for actual worked hours for each group with reference to the provided daily rosters. Copies of these timesheets and a summary in an electronic format (worksheet or database) of all man-hours worked during the previous month including a calculation of the actual level of Saudization shall be provided to the Company Representative no later than ten (10) working days from the beginning of the following month(为确定沙特阿拉伯和非沙特阿拉伯人员的工时数,承包商应参考提供的每日花名册,为每组实际工作时间准备每日时间表。这些时间表的副本和上个月所有工时的电子格式(工作表或数据库)摘要,包括实际沙特化水平的计算,应不迟于十 (10) 个工作日提供给公司代表 从下个月的月初算起.

5.3 Training reports, including attendance sheets and supporting training documents (such as training certificates or registrations), indicating the total man-hours training completed by Saudi Arab personnel, shall be submitted monthly for the preceding month in an electronic format such as a spreadsheet, worksheet or database.  These shall include a calculation of the actual level of Saudization training and shall be submitted to the Company Representative no later than ten (10) working days from the beginning of the following month(上个月的表明沙特阿拉伯籍员工完成的总工时培训的培训报告,包括出勤表和支持培训文件(如培训证书或注册),应以电子格式如电子表格、工作表或数据库等,每月提交。这些应包括实际培训沙化水平的计算,并应在下个月月初起十 (10) 个工作日内提交给公司代表).

5.4.The formats for the daily roster, daily timesheets, and monthly summary shall be subject to acceptance by the Company Representative. Such acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld(每日花名册、每日时间表和每月总结的格式应由公司代表批准,公司代表不应无理由拒绝).



If a verification performed by SAUDI ARAMCO shows a CONTRACTOR’s daily rosters, timesheet and/or training report to have substantially overstated the actual level of Saudization (for example, by reporting overstated work hours for Saudi personnel or underreporting the number of non-Saudi personnel), SAUDI ARAMCO may further deduct an amount equivalent to the number of man-hours by which the rosters, timesheets or training report were overstated, multiplied by the corresponding rate from the table in Paragraph 2 and the number of working days in the current invoice period(如果沙特阿美公司通过核实显示承包商的每日花名册、时间表和/或培训报告大大夸大了实际的沙化水平(例如,通过报告夸大沙特人员的工作时间或少报非沙特人员的数量) , 沙特阿美可进一步扣除金额,金额相当于花名册、时间表或培训报告多报的工时数乘以第 2 段表格中的相应费率和当前发票期间的工作日数).



The CONTRACTOR shall, and shall cause its Subcontractors to, assist the Company Representative or his designated representative in performing any verifications of presence, nationality, and/or job qualifications of any employees listed for each specific group, through such actions as, but not limited to, arranging for unique markings on hardhats or uniforms, providing copies of documents demonstrating nationality and/or job qualifications, and providing assistance on the Job Sites or training locations to identify and/or communicate with the CONTRACTOR Personnel(承包商应当并促使其分包商协助公司代表或公司指定代表,对每个特定组列出的任一雇员的在场、国籍和/或工作资格进行任一验证,上述协助可通过以下行动,包括但不限于:安排安全帽或制服上的独特标记,提供证明国籍和/或工作资格的文件副本,并在工作现场或培训地点提供帮助,以识别和/或与承包商人员沟通).



CONTRACTOR shall Appoint one (1) Human Resources Manager, and one (1) Saudization Representative, who must be Saudi Arab nationals.  At least one (1) of these individuals shall be present at the Job Site at all times to ensure CONTRACTOR compliance of the provisions of this Schedule “S”.(承包商应任命一 (1) 名人力资源经理和一 (1) 名沙化代表,他们必须是沙特阿拉伯籍。这些人中至少有一 (1) 人应始终出现在工地,以确保承包商遵守本附表“S”的规定)



9.1 Within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall submit for acceptance by the Company Representative a Saudization and Training Plan for Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel directly involved in the performance of the WORK. This plan shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

9.1.1Strategy for meeting the minimum level of Saudization required in Attachment I for each group for the duration of the Contract.

9.1.2 Long-term career development plan to prepare Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel under groups A and B for handling and leading CONTRACTOR projects.  The plan shall identify how Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel will be developed in their technical area of expertise.

9.1.3 Plan for providing technical training, certification courses, workplace training, seminars, and workshops to all Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel broken down by the groups set forth in Paragraph 1.

9.1.4 Detailed plan for providing technical training and certification courses to all Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel under group C.

9.1.5 Plan for hiring and/or training Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel in positions not covered by the groups set forth in Paragraph 1.

(9.1 在本合同生效之日起三十 (30) 天内,承包商应提交直接参与工程执行的沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员“沙化及培训计划”,以供公司代表接受。该计划应包括但不限于以下内容:

9.1.1 在合同期限内满足附件 I 中每个组所要求的最低沙化水平的策略。

9.1.2 A 组和 B 组下的沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员长期职业发展计划,目的在于为沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员将来有能力处理和领导承包商项目做好准备。该计划应确定沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员将如何在其专业技术领域得到发展。

9.1.3 计划包括技术培训、认证课程、工作场所培训、研讨会和讲习班等,涉及第 1 段中所列的组覆盖的所有沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员。

9.1.4 为所有C组沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员提供技术培训和认证课程的详细计划。

9.1.5 雇用和/或培训沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员担任第 1 段所列组未涵盖的职位的计划)。


9.2 SAUDI ARAMCO reserves the right to withhold all or part of the Contract progress payments (other than for an Advance Payment if provided for by the Contract) until the Saudization and Training Plan has been accepted by the Company Representative.  Such acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld(在沙化和培训计划被公司代表接受之前,沙特阿美保留扣留全部或部分合同进度付款的权利(合同规定的预付款除外)。但不得无理拒绝此类接受).


9.3 If CONTRACTOR makes any revisions or updates to its Saudization and Training Plan, the revised Plan shall be submitted to SAUDI ARAMCO for acceptance. Such acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld(如果承包商对其沙化和培训计划进行任何修订或更新,修订后的计划应提交沙特阿美公司接受。不得无理拒绝此类接受).

9.4 CONTRACTOR shall comply with the requirements of the accepted Saudization and Training Plan and shall provide progress updates on the implementation of the Saudization and Training Plan in special monthly meetings or in regularly schedule progress review meetings, or as directed by the Company Representative(承包商应遵守已接受的沙特化和培训计划的要求,并应在特别月度会议或定期进度审查会议上或按照公司代表的指示提供沙化和培训计划实施的最新进展).



10.1 “Training man-hours” are defined as the actual man-hours spent in attending courses, seminars, and forums at schools, training centers, and institutes approved by Saudi Arab Government or SAUDI ARAMCO but excluding travel time and any other related time spent in connection with the training.  CONTRACTOR shall submit satisfactory proof to SAUDI ARAMCO that Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel have attended and passed the relevant courses, seminars, or forums(“培训工时”定义为在沙特阿拉伯政府或沙特阿美批准的学校、培训中心和机构参加课程、研讨会和论坛所花费的实际工时,但不包括旅行时间和任何其他与培训相关花费的时间。承包商应向沙特阿美公司提交令人满意的证明,证明沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员已参加并通过相关课程、研讨会或论坛).


10.2 Training in the workplace or at the Job Site  may be considered “Training man-hours”, at SAUDI ARAMCO’s sole discretion, if meets the following requirements:

10.2.1 The training is delivered by a qualified instructor, who shall be certified as such for the skills being taught.

10.2.2 The workplace or Job Site (as applicable) is equipped with the equipment and tools required for the skills being taught.

10.2.3 The workplace or Job Site (as applicable) training hours are part of a specific training leading to a recognized certification in a particular job skill.  Supervised apprentice work hours required for such certification may be also considered.

(10.2 如果满足以下要求,沙特阿美自行决定在工作场所或工作现场进行的培训可被视为“培训工时”:

10.2.1 培训由合格的讲师提供,该讲师应获得所教授技能的认证。

10.2.2 工作场所或工作地点(如适用)配备了所教授技能所需的设备和工具。

10.2.3 工作场所或工作地点(如适用)的培训时间是特定培训的一部分,可获得特定工作技能的认可证书。此类认证所需的监督学徒工时也可考虑)



CONTRACTOR shall provide comprehensive medical insurance (minimum Class B) to all Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel including the employees’ spouse(s), children, and parents(承包商应为所有沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员(包括雇员的配偶、子女和父母)提供综合医疗保险(最低 B 级)).



CONTRACTOR shall provide camp accommodation, recreation facilities, meals, and laundry services to all Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel working at the Job Site when their permanent residence is located more than 100 kilometers from the Job Site(承包商应向在工地工作的所有沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员提供营地住宿、娱乐设施、膳食和洗衣服务,前提是他们的永久住所距离工地 100 公里以上.


CONTRACTOR shall make every reasonable effort to provide redeployment opportunities to Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel facing employment termination due to the completion of the WORK.  Should CONTRACTOR be unable to provide redeployment opportunities to Saudi Arab CONTRACTOR Personnel, CONTRACTOR shall provide to SAUDI ARAMCO, three (3) months before the completion of the WORK, the list of all Saudi Arab employees facing employment termination, including the employee’s name, trade or discipline, and reasons for inability to redeploy these Saudi Arab employees(承包商应尽一切合理努力为因工程完成而面临解雇的沙特阿拉伯籍承包商人员提供重新就业机会。如果承包商无法向沙特阿拉伯承籍包商人员提供调动机会,承包商应在工程完成前三 (3) 个月向沙特阿美公司提供所有面临解雇的沙特阿拉伯籍雇员名单,包括雇员姓名、行业 或纪律,以及无法重新部署这些沙特阿拉伯籍员工的原因)。



14.1 Compliance with the requirement of this  Schedule “S” shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of any other obligations, including, but not limited to, those to the Government of Saudi Arabia(遵守本附表“S”的要求不得免除承包商的任何其他义务,包括但不限于对沙特阿拉伯政府的义务).


14.2 CONTRACTOR shall maintain, and shall cause its Subcontractors to maintain, records, correspondence, instructions, plans, receipts, memoranda, and other evidence (the foregoing constitute "records" for the purpose of this Paragraph) sufficient to accurately and properly reflect CONTRACTOR’s and Subcontractors’ compliance of the provisions of this Schedule “S”.  SAUDI ARAMCO, or any firm appointed by SAUDI ARAMCO, shall have access, at all reasonable times, to all such records for the purpose of auditing and verifying compliance, and shall have the right to reproduce any such records.  CONTRACTOR shall preserve and make available, and shall cause its Subcontractors to preserve and make available, all such records for a period of two (2) years after the completion of the WORK or termination of this Contract[承包商应保存,并应促使其分包商保存记录、信件、指示、计划、收据、备忘录和其他证据(上述构成本段目的的“记录”)足以准确和适当地反映承包商的和分包商遵守附表“S”的规定。沙特阿美公司或沙特阿美公司指定的任何公司应在所有合理时间访问所有此类记录以进行审计和验证合规性,并有权复制任何此类记录。承包商应在工程完成或本合同终止后的两 (2) 年内保存和提供所有此类记录,并应促使其分包商保存和提供所有此类记录]



CONTRACTOR’s failure to comply with the requirements of this Schedule “S”, or failure to provide requested documentation or support to verify presence or qualification of CONTRACTOR Personnel, or evidence of falsified records shall constitute a substantial breach of this Contract and in addition to the other remedies included in the Contract may result in the CONTRACTOR being suspended from consideration for future contracts for a period to be determined solely by SAUDI ARAMCO(承包商未能遵守本附表“S”的要求,或未能提供所要求的文件或支持以验证承包商人员的有资格的存在,或有伪造记录的证据,均构成对本合同的实质性违反,除合同中包含的补救措施外,可能导致承包商在未来的合同中被暂停考虑,暂停的期限由沙特阿美公司单独确定).




The following Table 1 indicates the required minimum Saudization levels referenced in Paragraph 1 of Schedule “S”( 下表 1 列出了附表“S”第 1 段中所要求的最低沙化水平。).


The amounts referenced in Paragraph 4 of Schedule “S” shall be as follow(附表“S”第 4 段中引用的金额如下):




? 为理解方便,我们翻译成了易懂的中文




This Schedule sets out the IKTVA provisions, designed to establish a network of local suppliers.  The conditions set out below have been established to promote SAUDI ARAMCO’s commercial interests in reliable local supply(本附表列出了 IKTVA 条款,旨在建立本地供应商网络。下列条件的建立是为了促进沙特阿美在可靠的本地供应方面的商业利益。).

1.0 IKTVA Percentages(IKTVA百分比)

Notwithstanding the Saudization Requirements of Schedule “S”, CONTRACTOR shall comply with the In-Kingdom Total Value Add (IKTVA) requirements regarding localized good and services, salaries paid to Saudi nationals, training and development of Saudi nationals, Saudi contractor development spend, and in-Kingdom research and development spend as set forth below for the entire duration of the Contract and any extension thereof(尽管有附表“S”的沙化要求,但承包商亦应遵守沙特境内总增值要求,沙特境内总增值要求涉及到整个合同期间及其任何延期期间本地化商品和服务的提供、支付给沙特籍员工的工资、沙特籍员工的培训和发展、沙特承包商发展支出,沙特境内的研发支出等。具体如下所述).


1.1 IKTVA Formula

The In-Kingdom Total Value Add program (IKTVA) is established to  measure and support increased levels of localization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in support of SAUDI ARAMCO’s commercial objectives, as outlined above. The program requires contractors to self-report information that falls into six major categories: revenue, goods and services, Saudi payroll related costs, Saudi training and development, Saudi supplier development, and in-Kingdom research and development. From this data, SAUDI ARAMCO calculates an IKTVA ratio that approximates the percentage of SAUDI ARAMCO’s spending in support of these commercial objectives.  No cost or expense shall be counted under multiple categories described in this paragraph 1.0.  Each cost that qualifies for a particular category shall not be double counted under any other category as part of the IKTVA formula notwithstanding that such cost or expense may qualify under multiple categories.

The IKTVA formula is:



A= Localized goods and services ($)

B= Salaries paid to Saudis ($)

C= Training and Development of Saudis ($)

D= Vendor/Manufacturer development spend ($)

R= In-Kingdom Research and Development spend ($)

E= Revenue generated by this Contract during the applicable Contract Year from goods and services provided to SAUDI ARAMCO as a customer (spend from SAUDI ARAMCO) ($)

X= Export revenue factor (%) : (Maximum of 10%)


(如上所述,建立沙特总增值计划 (IKTVA) 是为了衡量和支持沙特阿拉伯王国本地化水平的提高,以支持沙特阿美的商业目标。该计划要求承包商自行报告六大类的信息:收入、商品和服务、沙特籍员工工资相关成本、沙特籍员工培训和发展、沙特供应商发展以及沙特国内研发。根据这些数据,沙特阿美公司计算出一个 IKTVA 比率,该比率近似于沙特阿美公司用于支持这些商业目标的支出百分比。不得将任何成本或费用计入本第 1.0 段所述的多个类别。符合特定类别的每项成本不得作为 IKTVA 公式的一部分在任何其他类别下重复计算,尽管此类成本或费用可能符合多个类别。

IKTVA 公式为:


A= 本地化的商品和服务 ($)


C= 沙特人的培训和发展 ($)

D= 沙特供应商/制造商开发支出(美元)

R= 沙特境内研发支出(美元)

E= 本合同在适用的合同年度内从作为客户提供给沙特阿美公司的商品和服务中产生的收入(从沙特阿美公司支出)($)




1.1.1 Category A comprises the cost of any goods and services purchased from In-Kingdom suppliers during the applicable Contract Year directly related to WORK under this Contract. The following is intended to illustrate a non-exhaustive list of what is included and excluded from Category A.

Examples include but are not limited to:

• Materials and supplies.

• Transportation/shipping.

• In-Kingdom Professional services.

• Equipment Rental.

• Temporary manpower (Saudis).

• Benefits provided to expatriate personnel (i.e. insurance, housing, car allowance, etc.)

• Utilities.

• Contractors/consultants (Saudis).

Examples exclude but are not limited to:

• Agent, brokered, or pass-through purchases.

• Costs associated with training of Saudis (these costs are included under training costs).

• Costs associated with vendors/manufacturers development (these costs are included under vendors/manufacturers development costs).

• Income taxes or Zakat payments.

• Costs associated with bidding.

The total  amount spent by CONTRACTOR on the procurement of goods and services directly related to this Contract from Saudi suppliers during the applicable Contract Year shall be used to calculate Category “A” when determining CONTRACTOR’s IKTVA.  The IKTVA for the CONTRACTOR’s suppliers (including vendors and subcontractors) shall be calculated as follows:

if the CONTRACTOR’s supplier itself has a certified IKTVA score then that score will be used.  The contract value of the contract (including purchase orders) with the CONTRACTOR’s supplier that relates to this Contract will be multiplied by the IKTVA score (percentage) of the CONTRACTOR’s supplier.  This amount will be included in Category “A” spend above for the CONTRACTOR’s supplier rather than the full value of the contract between the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTOR’s supplier.  If the CONTRACTOR’s supplier does not have a certified IKTVA score, then the IKTVA score from SAUDI ARAMCO’s sector or industry supplier table will be used for this calculation instead.

(A 类包括在适用的合同年度内与本合同下的工作直接相关的从沙特境内供应商购买的任何商品和服务的成本。以下旨在说明 A 类中包含和排除内容的非详尽列表。


• 材料和用品。

• 运输/航运。

• 在沙特境内的专业服务。

• 设备租赁。

• 临时人力(沙特)。

• 向外籍人员提供的福利(即保险、住房、汽车津贴等)

• 公用事业。

• 承包商/顾问(沙特)。


• 代理、经纪或转手购买。

• 与培训沙特人相关的费用(这些费用包含在培训费用中)。

• 与供应商/制造商开发相关的成本(这些成本包含在供应商/制造商开发成本中)。

• 所得税或天课付款。

• 与投标相关的成本。

在确定承包商的 IKTVA 时,承包商在适用的合同年度从沙特供应商处采购与本合同直接相关的商品和服务的总金额应用于计算“A”类。承包商供应商(包括供应商和分包商)的 IKTVA 应按如下方式计算:

如果承包商的供应商本身具有经认证的 IKTVA 分数,则将使用该分数。与承包商供应商签订的与本合同相关的合同(包括采购订单)的合同价值将乘以承包商供应商的 IKTVA 分数(百分比)。该金额将包含在上述承包商供应商的“A”类支出中,而不是承包商与承包商供应商之间合同的全部价值中。如果承包商的供应商没有经过认证的 IKTVA 分数,则沙特阿美的行业或行业供应商表中的 IKTVA 分数将用于此计算)


1.1.2 Category B comprises any salaries/wages and all related benefits paid during the applicable Contract Year to Saudi nationals by the CONTRACTOR directly related to WORK under this Contract.

The wage/salaries and all related benefits of Saudi Arab employees working  directly under this Contract during the applicable Contract Year shall be used to calculate Category “B” when determining CONTRACTOR’s IKTVA.

The calculation for Category B shall include all Saudi Arab personnel involved in direct performance of the WORK under this Contract during the applicable Contract Year.

( B 类包括在适用的合同年度期间由承包商向沙特籍员工支付的、与本合同下的工作直接相关的任何薪水/工资和所有相关福利。

在确定承包商的 IKTVA 时,在适用的合同年度期间直接根据本合同工作的沙特阿拉伯雇员的工资/薪水和所有相关福利应用于计算“B”类。

B 类的计算应包括在适用的合同年度内直接参与本合同项下工程的所有沙特阿拉伯人员)


1.1.3 Category C comprises any training costs paid during the applicable Contract Year for the development of Saudi nationals directly involved in the performance of WORK under this Contract.

The calculation for Category C shall include the training  of all personnel during the applicable Contract Year involved in performance of the WORK. The following is intended to illustrate a non-exhaustive list of what is included and excluded from Category C.

Examples include but are not limited to:

• Travel and accommodations when spent in connection with training and development.

• Training and development courses.

• Annual software license fee related to training.

• Outside training consultants.

• Internship, and co-op sponsorship costs.

Examples of excluded training costs include, but are not limited to:

• Cost of Saudi employees participating as trainers or trainees if already included on the Saudi payroll.

The total amount spent by CONTRACTOR during the applicable Contract Year to train Saudi Arab personnel employed for the execution of this Contract shall be used to calculate Category “C” when determining CONTRACTOR’s IKTVA.

( C 类包括在适用的合同年度支付的任何培训费用,用于培养直接参与本合同项下工作的沙特籍员工。

C 类的计算应包括在适用的合同年度内参与工作执行的所有人员的培训。

以下旨在说明 C 类包含和排除内容的非详尽列表。包含的培训费:(包括但不限于)

• 与培训和发展有关的差旅和住宿。

• 培训和发展课程。

• 与培训相关的年度软件许可费。

• 外部培训顾问。

• 实习和合作赞助费用。


• 沙特员工作为培训师或受训人员参与的费用(如果已包含在沙特工资单中)。

在确定承包商的 IKTVA 时,承包商在适用的合同年度为培训沙特阿拉伯籍员工执行本合同所花费的总金额应用于计算“C”类。)

1.1.4 Category D comprises the cost of any in-Kingdom supplier development costs incurred during the applicable Contract Year directly related to WORK under this Contract.

Examples include but are not limited to:

• Costs of programs designed to improve Supplier quality management.

• Cost of joint product development programs.

The total  amount spent by CONTRACTOR during the applicable Contract Year on supplier development shall be used to calculate Category “D” when determining CONTRACTOR’s IKTVA.

( D 类包括在适用的合同年度发生的与本合同下的工作直接相关的任何在沙特境内的供应商开发成本。


• 旨在改进沙特供应商质量管理的计划成本。

• 联合产品开发计划的成本。

在确定承包商的 IKTVA 时,承包商在适用的合同年度内用于供应商开发的总金额应用于计算“D”类。)


1.1.5 Category R comprises any in-Kingdom research and development (R&D) costs incurred during the applicable Contract Year directly involved in the performance of WORK under this Contract(R 类包括在适用的合同年度内直接涉及执行本合同下的工作而产生的任何在沙特境内的研发 (R&D) 费用).


1.1.6 Catgeory X comprises of Export Revenue Factor whereby CONTRACTOR can receive up to an additional 10 percentage points to their IKTVA ratio by increasing their export revenue as a percentage of total revenue to 30% or above. Partial credit is also given, on a linear basis, to those companies that export less than 30%. Example: if a company’s 2017 export revenue was 12% of total revenue, then it would have 4 percentage points added to its IKTVA ratio [(12% / 30%) x 10 points].

(类别 X 包含出口收入因素,承包商可以通过将其出口收入占总收入的百分比提高到 30% 或以上,从而获得最多 10 个百分点的 IKTVA 比率。对于出口量低于 30% 的公司,也可以线性方式给予部分分数。示例:如果一家公司 2017 年的出口收入占总收入的 12%,则其 IKTVA 比率将增加 4 个百分点 [(12% / 30%) x 10 个百分点]。)


2 IKTVA Targets

2.1 CONTRACTOR shall recruit, hire, train Saudi Arab personnel, locally procure goods and services, develop Saudi contractors, and perform research and development In-Kingdom so that, for the percentages and time periods listed in Attachment I to this Schedule “I”, the  IKTVA percentage shall not be less than the specified minimum Contract Year IKTVA Score stated in Attachment I to this Schedule “I” on a Contract Year basis.

(承包商应招聘、雇用、培训沙特阿拉伯人员,在当地采购货物和服务,发展沙特承包商,并在沙特进行研发,以便 IKTVA 百分比不低于本附表“I”附件 I 中规定的合同年度最低合同年度 IKTVA 分数。)


2.2 Only personnel and procured services and goods of the CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR’s contractor or supplier (without duplication), and developed local vendor/manufacturer by the CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR’s contractors or suppliers (without duplication), and In-Kingdom research and development (without duplication) that are directly related to  WORK under this Contract and used/incurred during the applicable Contract Year shall be considered for the purposes of determining the IKTVA ratio and calculation, but shall be subject to the audit and verification required by paragraph 5 of this Schedule “I”.

(承包商或其承包商/供应商的人员和采购的服务和货物(无重复),由承包商或其承包商/供应商开发的本地供应商/制造商(无重复),以及在沙特境内的研发(无重复) 只有与本合同下的工作直接相关,并在适用的合同年度内使用/发生,才能在确定 IKTVA 比率和计算时予以考虑,但应接受本附表第 5 段要求的审计和验证)

律师简析:承包商的采购,承包商发展本地供应商或制造商,以及在沙特境内的研发都需要和本合同的履行相关,而且还要发生在合同年度内,否则不能用来计算IKTVA 比率。一些承包商在沙特境内有研发投入,也发展了本地供应商或制造商,但是在别的项目上。这种情况下,其研发及发展投入是不能作为本项目合同项下IKTVA 比率计算的因素。这无疑对承包商履行项目合同、满足IKTVA比率,提出了更高的要求。

2.3 If the CONTRACTOR makes any revisions or updates to its approved IKTVA proposal as stated in  Attachment I, the revised proposal  shall be submitted to SAUDI ARAMCO for approval provided that the revised  proposal  meets the minimum required IKTVA  target percentages. If the revised proposal is approved, the Contract shall be amended to reflect the new proposal. CONTRACTOR shall agree with the Company Representative on an execution plan (in a format provided by Company Representative or any other format approved by the Company Representative) for the IKTVA proposal within sixty (60) calendar days after Contract award.

(如果承包商对其附件 I 中所述的已批准 IKTVA 方案进行任何修改或更新,则修改后的提案应提交给沙特阿美公司批准,前提是修改后的提案满足最低要求的 IKTVA 目标百分比。如果修改后的方案获得批准,则应修改合同以反映新提案。承包商应在合同授予后六十 (60) 个日历日内与公司代表就 IKTVA 方案的执行计划达成一致(方案的执行计划采用公司代表提供的格式或其批准的任何其他格式)。


3 Affiliated Contract

If this Contract has an affiliated contract that is for the same project, is related to this Contract and is entered into between SAUDI ARAMCO or one of its affiliates and the CONTRACTOR or one of its affiliates, then the IKTVA Score and related formula and calculations will be aggregated to include all of these contracts.

(如果本合同有针对同一项目的与本合同相关的附属合同,并且由沙特阿美或其附属公司之一与承包商或其附属公司之一签订,则 IKTVA 分数、相关公式和计算将合计包括所有这些合同)

4 Faliure to Meet IKTVA Targets

Complying with (a) the IKTVA requirements in paragraphs 1 – 6 of this Schedule “I” and (b) the Contract Year IKTVA Score stated in Attachment I to this Schedule “I” on a Contract Year basis, in each case, is a material obligation of CONTRACTOR under this Contract.  Failure to comply with the aforementioned IKTVA requirements or failure to provide requested documentation or support to verify IKTVA, or evidence of falsified records, constitutes a substantial breach of this Contract, and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of SAUDI ARAMCO, SAUDI ARAMCO may, at its sole option, terminate the Contract pursuant to Schedule “A”, suspend CONTRACTOR from consideration for future contracts for a period to be determined solely by SAUDI ARAMCO, or both.

(遵守 (a) 本附表“I”第 1-6 段中的 IKTVA 要求和 (b) 在合同年度基础上本附表“I”附件 I 中规定的合同年度 IKTVA 分数,在每种情况下,都是承包商在本合同项下的重大义务。未能遵守上述 IKTVA 要求或未能提供要求的文件或支持来验证 IKTVA 或伪造记录的证据,构成对本合同的实质性违反,并且在不损害沙特阿美公司的任何其他权利或补救措施的情况下,沙特阿美公司可以 , 自行选择根据附表“A”终止合同,在一定期限内暂停承包商的未来合同,暂停期限由沙特阿美公司单独确定,或共同确定)。


5 Verification

As further described herein, the CONTRACTOR shall calculate the values comprising the IKTVA formula in Paragraph 1 of this Schedule “I” and the IKTVA ratio and report this information to SAUDI ARAMCO.

First, within fifteen (15) days from the end of every ninety (90) day period from the effective date of the Contract, CONTRACTOR shall report to SAUDI ARAMCO the CONTRACTOR’s achieved IKTVA ratio only for the prior ninety (90) day period and on a cumulative year-to-date basis (year-to-date being measured by one year from the effective date of the Contract and not a calendar year).

Second, CONTRACTOR shall report on CONTRACTOR’s IKTVA ratio on a contract year basis beginning with the first anniversary of the effective date of the Contract and then every anniversary of the effective date thereafter throughout the term of the Contract (each such year, a “Contract Year”). This report shall include the achieved IKTVA ratio and the breakdown of each value of the IKTVA formula as provided in Paragraph 1 of this Schedule “I”.  CONTRACTOR, at its own expense, shall report this information within ninety (90) days after the end of each Contract Year until and including year containing the Contract expiry, authenticated by a third party auditing firm approved by SAUDI ARAMCO, to the Company Representative with a copy to mailing address stated in Attachment I to this Schedule “I”.  CONTRACTOR shall bear all of the costs and expenses for the authentication performed by the third party auditing firm.

CONTRACTOR may propose, and request SAUDI ARAMCO to approve, an alternate auditing firm to perform IKTVA verification.  Any such approval will be at the sole discretion of SAUDI ARAMCO, and subject to the firm’s capability to perform such verification as determined by SAUDI ARAMCO. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Contract, this Paragraph 5 of Schedule “I” shall survive the termination or expiration of the Contract for the purposes of providing the final IKTVA report as required herein.

(如本文进一步所述,承包商应计算组成本附表“I”第 1 段中的 IKTVA 公式的值和 IKTVA 比率,并将此信息报告给沙特阿美公司。

首先,在自合同生效之日起每九十 (90) 天期限结束后的十五 (15) 天内,承包商应向沙特阿美报告承包商仅在前九十 (90) 天期间承包商取得的IKTVA 比率。

其次,承包商应按合同年度报告承包商的 IKTVA 比率,从合同生效日期的第一个周年日开始。该报告应包括已实现的 IKTVA 比率和本附表“I”第 1 段中规定的 IKTVA 公式的每个值的细分。承包商应自费在每个合同年度结束后九十 (90) 天内向公司代表报告此信息,直至并包括合同到期年度,并由沙特阿美公司批准的第三方审计公司认证。承包商应承担由第三方审计公司进行鉴定的所有成本和费用。

承包商可以提议并请求沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司批准一家替代的审计公司来执行 IKTVA 验证。任何此类批准均由沙特阿美公司自行决定,并取决于替代的审计公司是否有能力执行沙特阿美公司确定的此类验证。尽管本合同中有任何相反规定,为了提供本合同要求的最终 IKTVA 报告,附表“I”第 5 段应在合同终止或期满后继续有效。)


6 Disagreements

In the event of any disagreements as to (a) the proper calculation of the IKTVA percentages and formula or (b) whether the actual IKTVA percentages for a particular time period or for the entire Contract has been achieved for any category, the Company Representative’s determination shall prevail.

(如果对 (a) IKTVA 百分比和公式的正确计算或 (b) 任何类别的特定时间段或整个合同的实际IKTVA 百分比是否已实现存在任何分歧,那么,将以公司代表的决定为准。)



?If this Contract is extended for any reason beyond the number of Contract Years stated in the table above, the Contract Year IKTVA Score requirement for each additional Contract Year not stated above shall be equal to the final Contract Year IKTVA Score stated above.

(如果本合同因任何原因延期超过上表所述的合同年数,则上述未列明的每个额外合同年的 IKTVA 分数要求应等于上文所述的最终合同年 IKTVA 分数)








以阿美公司的沙化要求为例,承包商每天要向阿美公司报送施工现场所有人员清单、工作位置和进出场时间(就是Daily Roster),其中必须包括所雇佣的沙特员工。沙化工作也是承包商每周周会向业主必报的专项工作,阿美公司的项目管理团队(PMT)每周亲自过问。每月月末提交项目月度沙化程度报告(即Monthly Saudization Report),分包商的数据也要包括在内。ABCD四类的沙特员工和非沙特员工分开后,每类沙特员工的工时不能低于合同规定的比例。提交月度沙化报告时,要随附各种证明材料,如社保注册证明、考勤表和身份证复印件等。除此之外,业主还随时抽查,去现场核实乃至亲自打电话给沙特员工调查等。







(五)IKTVA 比值符合要求难



(一) 承包商应正视“沙化”问题






沙化报告要力求真实,如果沙特籍员工人员不实,业主可通过沙特GOSI (社保)等查出来。一旦查出来,轻则驳回沙化报告,重则直接加大项目扣款甚至叫停合同。沙化报告编制完成后,沙化团队要仔细核实,避免疏漏给项目造成损失。沙化报告提交业主审批要及时,以免影响项目进度款。





在沙特工程项目中,“沙化”员工的成本占项目人工费较大。为降低成本,承包商可效仿业主的做法,在分包合同里引入主合同里的沙化条款,要求当地分包商也要按规定提供合格的沙特员工,否则主包商有权扣除分包商的部分付款来做沙化。分包商每月提交发票时,可要求其随附人事部审核通过的沙化报告(Saudizaton Report)和相关支撑文件。否则,承包商有权按合同规定扣除部分分包商的付款。


沙特政府为鼓励私营企业雇佣当地沙特人,设立了很多资助基金。承包商也可以通过申请政府补贴来降低沙化的用人成本,部分基金的补贴力度可以达到雇员工资的30%-40%,例如HRDF (沙特人力资源开发基金)。




